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次へ: 1.2 一次元ハバード模型 One-dimensional Hubbard model 上へ: 1 統計力学および量子多体系の厳密に解ける模型 Exactly solvable 戻る: 1 統計力学および量子多体系の厳密に解ける模型 Exactly solvable   目次

1.1 量子XXZ鎖におけるsl2 ループ代数の対称性と準位交差
The sl2 loop algebra symmetry of the XXZ spin chain and level crossings (6POP)

原著論文  Original papers

  1. T. Deguchi, K. Fabricius and B.M. McCoy,
    The sl2 loop algebra symmetry of the six-vertex model at roots of unity,
    J. Stat. Phys. 102 (2001) 701-736. (cond-mat/9912141)

  2. T. Deguchi,
    Non-regular eigenstate of the XXX model as some limit of the Bethe state,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 9755-9775. (cond-mat/0107260)

  3. T. Deguchi,
    Construction of some missing eigenvectors of the XYZ spin chain at the discrete coupling constants and the exponentially large spectral degeneracy of the transfer matrix,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.35 (2002) 879-895. (cond-mat/0109078)

  4. T. Deguchi,
    The 8V CSOS model and the sl2 loop algebra symmetry of the six-vertex model at roots of unity, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 16 (2002) 1899-1905. (cond-mat/0110121)

  5. K. Kudo and T. Deguchi,
    Branches in the spectral flow of the inhomogeneous transfer matrix for the XXZ spin chian,
    to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72 No. 7 (2003)

  6. T. Deguchi,
    XXZ Bethe states as highest weight vectors of the sl2 loop algebra at roots of unity, cond-mat/0212217 (revised 23 March 2003)

  7. T. Deguchi,
    The sl2 loop algebra symmetry of the twisted transfer matrix of the six-vertex model at roots of unity, submitted to J. Phys. A for the proceedings of RAQIS03, Annecy, France, March 2003. (cond-mat/0306498)

  8. K. Kudo and T. Deguchi,
    Unexpected non-Wigner behavior in level spacing distributions of next-nearest-neighbor coupled XXZ spin chains, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (2003).

国内研究会の報告  Reports of workshops in Japan

  1. 出口哲生、工藤和恵、「可積分量子スピン系における異常な準位交差」 (基研研究会「量子カオス:理論と実験の現状」02年9月9日−11日) 物性研究 Vol. 80 No.1 (2003/4) pp. 195-199.

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次へ: 1.2 一次元ハバード模型 One-dimensional Hubbard model 上へ: 1 統計力学および量子多体系の厳密に解ける模型 Exactly solvable 戻る: 1 統計力学および量子多体系の厳密に解ける模型 Exactly solvable   目次
Tetsuo Deguchi