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次へ: 2 高分子の統計力学とダイナミクス  Statistical physics 上へ: 1 統計力学および量子多体系の厳密に解ける模型 Exactly solvable 戻る: 1.3 Quantum groups and   目次

1.4 可解模型に関する総合報告
Reviews on ``exactly solvable models'' (2Rev)

  1. 出口 哲生 (invited paper)、
    物性研究 74-3 (2000-6) pp. 255-319.

  2. T. Deguchi (invited and refereed),
    Introduction to solvable lattice models in statistical and mathematical physics, (cond-mat/0304309)
    To be published in "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems: Theory and Applications" (ISBN 07503 09598), Institute of Physics Publishing, (2003) (Chap. 5, pp. 113-151.)

Tetsuo Deguchi