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次へ: 3.2 超リー代数模型などの可解模型と様々な絡み目不変量の関係 Connections of 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of   目次

3.1 可解模型から導かれる絡み目多項式 
Link polynomials derived from exactly solvable models (8POP)

原著論文 Original papers

  1. Y. Akutsu, T. Deguchi and M. Wadati,
    Exactly Solvable Models and New Link polynomials.
    II. Link Polynomials for Closed 3-Braids,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 56 (1987) 3464-3479.

  2. T. Deguchi, Y. Akutsu and M. Wadati,
    Exactly Solvable Models and New Link polynomials.
    III. Two-Variable Topological Invariants,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 57 (1988) 757-776.

  3. Y. Akutsu, T. Deguchi and M. Wadati,
    Exactly Solvable Models and New Link polynomials.
    IV. IRF Models,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 57 (1988) 1173-1185.

  4. T. Deguchi, M. Wadati and Y. Akutsu,
    Exactly Solvable Models and New Link polynomials.
    V. Yang-Baxter Operator and Braid-Monoid Algebra,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 57 (1988) 1905-1923.

  5. T. Deguchi, M. Wadati and Y. Akutsu,
    Link Polynomials Constructed from Solvable Models in Statistical Mechanics,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 57 (1988) 2921-2935.

  6. M. Wadati, Y. Yamada and T. Deguchi,
    Knot Theory and Conformal Field Theory: Reduction Relations for Braid Generators,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58 (1989) 1153-1161.

  7. M. Wadati, T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Exactly Solvable Models and Knot Theory,
    Phys. Reports 180 (1989) 247-332.

  8. T. Deguchi, M. Wadati and Y. Akutsu,
    Knot Theory based on Solvable Models at Criticality,
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 19 (1989) pp. 193-285.

国際会議の報告  Proceedings papers of international conferences

  1. M. Wadati, T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Exactly Solvable Models and New Link Polynomials,
    in Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Integrability and Spectral Methods, ed. A. Fordy, (Manchester University Press, 1990).

  2. M. Wadati, Y. Akutsu and T. Deguchi,
    Link Polynomials and Exactly Solvable Models,
    in Nonlinear Physics, eds. Gu Chaohao, Li Yishen and Tu Guizhang, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1990) pp. 111-135.

  3. M. Wadati and T. Deguchi (probably refereed),
    Old and New Link Polynomials From the Theory of Exactly Solvable Models,
    Physica D 51 (1991) 376-387.
    (in the proceedings of the conference at CNLS in Los Alamos National Laboratory)

  4. M. Wadati and T. Deguchi,
    Integrable Systems and Knot theory,
    in the Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on High Energy Physics, 2-8 August 1990, Singapore , eds. K.K. Phua and Y. Yamaguchi, (Published by South East Asia Theoretical Association and the Physical Society of Japan, Singapore, 1991) pp. 1389-1399.

  5. M. Wadati, T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Yang-Baxter Relation, Exactly Solvable Models and Link Polynomials,
    in Quantum Groups, Proceedings of Workshops held in the Euler International Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, Fall 1990, ed. P.P. Kulish (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1992) pp. 373-388.

国内研究会の報告  Reports of workshops in Japan

  1. T. Deguchi and Y. Yamada,
    Link Polynomial, Crossing Multiplier and Surgery Formula,
    in the Proceedings of the Workshop Beyond Riemann Surfaces, (RITP, Takehara, Hiroshima University, February 1989), p. 1.


  1. 和達三樹、出口哲生、阿久津泰弘:
    科学59 No.2 (1989年2月) p. 73.

  2. 出口哲生 和達三樹、 
    数理科学 No. 330, (1990年12月) pp. 57-62.

  3. 出口 哲生、和達三樹、
    別冊数理科学「現代の数理物理」、サイエンス社 (1998) pp. 85-91.

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次へ: 3.2 超リー代数模型などの可解模型と様々な絡み目不変量の関係 Connections of 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of   目次
Tetsuo Deguchi