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次へ: 3.3 色つき絡み目の新しい多変数不変量  Multivariable invarinats 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3.1 可解模型から導かれる絡み目多項式  Link polynomials   目次

3.2 超リー代数模型などの可解模型と様々な絡み目不変量の関係
Connections of various link invariants to solvable models such as those associated with Lie superalgebras (6POP)

原著論文 Original papers

  1. T. Deguchi,
    Braids, Link Polynomials and Transformations of Solvable Models,
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 5 (1990) 2195-2239.

  2. T. Deguchi,
    Braid Group Representations and Link Polynomials Derived from Generalized SU(n) Vertex Models,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58 (1989) 3441-3444.

  3. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Graded Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Relation and Link Polynomials,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 23 (1990) 1861-1875.

  4. T. Deguchi,
    Link Polynomials and Solvable Models,
    in Physics, Geometry and Topology, ed. H.C. Lee, (Plenum Press, New York, 1990) pp. 583-603.

  5. T. Deguchi,
    Hybrid-Type Solvable Models and Multivariable Link Polynomials,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 59 (1990) 1119-1122.

  6. T. Deguchi,
    Generalized generalized spin models associated with exactly solvable models,
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 24 (1996) 82-101.

国際会議の報告  Proceedings papers of international conferences

  1. T. Deguchi,
    A Note on Generalized Spin Models,
    in Topics in Theoretical Physics, the Proceedings of the Second Pacific Winter School for Theoretical Physics, January 18-24, 1995, Sorak, Korea, edited by Y.M. Cho, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997) pp. 175-177.

国内研究会の報告  Reports of workshops in Japan

  1. T. Deguchi,
    Link Polynomials, Linking Number and Exactly Solvable Models,
    in the Proceedings of the Workshop Topology, Field Theory and Superstrings, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, November 6-10, 1989, eds. M. Kobayashi and S. Nojiri, (KEK Report 89-22, January 1990), pp. 45-76.


  1. 出口 哲生、
    数学セミナー 1998年4月号 pp. 50-53.

  2. 「量子不変量」(3次元トポロジーと数理物理の遭遇)、
    大槻知忠 編著(共著)日本評論社 (1999). (担当部分:第4章「結び目不変量と統計物理学」pp. 61-68)

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次へ: 3.3 色つき絡み目の新しい多変数不変量  Multivariable invarinats 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3.1 可解模型から導かれる絡み目多項式  Link polynomials   目次
Tetsuo Deguchi