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次へ: 3.4 可解模型と絡み目不変量に関する総合報告 Reviews on 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3.2 超リー代数模型などの可解模型と様々な絡み目不変量の関係 Connections of   目次

3.3 色つき絡み目の新しい多変数不変量 
Multivariable invarinats of colored links (9POP)

原著論文 Original papers

  1. Y. Akutsu and T. Deguchi,
    A New Hierarchy of Colored Braid Group Representations,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 777-780.

  2. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    A General Formula for Colored Zn Graded Braid Matrices and the Fusion Braid Matrices,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 (1991) 2559-2570.

  3. Y. Akutsu, T. Deguchi and T. Ohtsuki,
    Invariants of Colored Links,
    Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 1 (1992) 161-184.

  4. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Colored braid matrices from infinite dimensional representations of Uq(g),
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A7 (1992) 767-779.

  5. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    A New Hierarchy of Colored Vertex models,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 (1991) 4051-4059.

  6. T. Deguchi,
    On the New Hiearachy of the Colored Braid Matrices,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 (1991) 3978-3979.

  7. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Colored Vertex Models, Colored IRF Models and Invariants of Trivalent Colored Graphs,
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 62 (1993) 19-35. (hep-th/9206057)

  8. T. Deguchi and T. Ohtsuki,
    Invariants of Colored Links and a Property of the Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of Uq(g),
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 3A (1993) pp. 263-266. (hep-th/9207090)

  9. T. Deguchi,
    Multivariable Invariants of Colored Links Generalizing the Alexander Polynomial,
    ed. by D.N. Yetter, (World Sci., Singapore, 1994). pp. 67-86. (hep-th/9309029)

国際会議の報告  Proceedings papers of international conferences

  1. T. Deguchi
    Multivariable Invariants of Colored Links Related to Uq(sl(2)) Generalizing the Alexander Polynomial,
    in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, November 22-26, 1993, Fukuoka, Kyushu Univeristy, Organizers, E. Bannai et al., p. 3.

国内研究会の報告  Reports of workshops in Japan

  1. T. Deguchi and Y. Akutsu,
    Colored braid matrices and invariants of colored oriented links,
    研究集会「結び目理論とその応用」報告集(1991年12月) pp. 19-31. (the Proceedings of the Workshop at Kashikojima, November 5-8, 1992 pp. 19-31.)


  1. 出口哲生、
    色付きひもの絡み目不変量 、
    数理科学30巻3号(1992年3月) pp. 48-51

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次へ: 3.4 可解模型と絡み目不変量に関する総合報告 Reviews on 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3.2 超リー代数模型などの可解模型と様々な絡み目不変量の関係 Connections of   目次
Tetsuo Deguchi