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次へ: A. 国際会議での講演の記録(過去数年間) 上へ: 3 結び目や絡み目のトポロジー的不変量と可解模型  Invariants of 戻る: 3.3 色つき絡み目の新しい多変数不変量  Multivariable invarinats   目次

3.4 可解模型と絡み目不変量に関する総合報告
Reviews on ``Solvable models and link invariants'' (2Rev)

  1. Y. Akutsu, T. Deguchi and M. Wadati (invited and refereed),
    The Yang-Baxter Relation: A New Tool for Knot Theory,
    in Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics, eds. C.N. Yang and M.L. Ge, (World Scientific Pub., Singapore, 1989), pp. 151-200.

  2. T. Deguchi and M. Wadati (invited and refereed),
    Solvable Models, Link Invariants and Their Applications in Physics, in Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics II, eds. C.N. Yang and M.L. Ge, (World Sci., Singapore, 1994) pp. 20-69.

Tetsuo Deguchi