Department of Physics, Ochanomizu University
- Erika Nozawa, Tetsuo Deguchi,
Simulating phase inversion processes by coupled map lattice: Towards the theoretical design of food texture and quality in diary processing from fresh cream to butter via shipped cream,
- Sawa Ohashi, Tetsuo Deguchi
Unexpectedly Localized and Grid-like Density Profiles for Bethe Solutions of the Open-boundary XXX Spin Chain with Two Down-spins,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol.93, No.12, 123001 (2024)
- Yoshinori Tomiyoshi, Takashi Honda, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Takahiro Murashima, Erica Uehara, Tetsuo Deguchi
Density Functional Theory for Cyclic Block Copolymer Melts,
Macromolecules 57, 10704-10716(2024).
- Takashi Imoto, Tetsuo Deguchi
Exact Bethe quantum numbers of the massive XXZ chain in the two down-spin sector,
- Minami Ebe, Asuka Soga, Kiyu Fujiwara, Brian J.Ree, Hironori Marubayashi, Katsumi Hagita, Atsushi Imasaki, Miru Baba, Takuya Yamamoto, Kenji Tajima, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Takuya Isono, and Toshifumi Satoh,
Rotaxane Formation of Multicyclic Polydimethylsilosane in a Silicon Network: A Step toward Constructing "Marco-Rotaxanes" from High-Molecular-Weight Axle and Wheel Components,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2023), e202304493
Vol.62,Issue 35 (17 July 2023)
- Takahiro Ohkuma, Katsumi Hagita, Takahiro Murashima, and Tetsuo Deguchi,
Miscibility and exchange chemical potential of ring polymers in symmetric ring blends,
Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 3818-3827
- Kayo Kinjo, JunSato, Tetsuo Deguchi,
Dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons and exact finite-size scaling of Bose-Einsten condensation
- Minami Ebe, Asuka Soga, Kaiyu Fujiwara, Brian J.Ree, Hironori Marubayashi, Katsumi Hagita, Atsushi Imasaki, Miyu Baba, Takuya Yamamoto, Kenji Tajima, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Takuya Isono and Toshifumi Satoh
"Rotaxane Formation of Multicyclic Polydimethylsiloxane in a Silicon Network: A Step Toward Constructing "Macro-Rotaxanes" from High-Molecular-Weight Axle and Wheel Components"
Amdgew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2023) , e202304493
- Kayo Kinjo, Jun Sato and Tetsuo Deguchi,
"Dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons and an exact finite-size scaling of Bose-Einstein condensation"
J. Phys. A:Math. Theor. 56 (2023) 164001,
- Hagita Katsumi, Murashima Takahiro, Sakata Naoki, Shimokawa Koya, Deguchi Tetsuo, Uehara Erica and Fujiwara Susumu
"Molecular Dunamics of Topological Barriers on the Crystallization Behavior of Ring Polyethylene Melts with Trefoil Knots"
Macromolecules (2023) 56 15-27
- Jason Cantarella, Tetsuo Deguchi, Clayton Shonkwiler and Erica Uehara
"Random graph embeddings with general edge potentials"
- Kayo Kinjo, Eriko Kaminishi, Takashi Mori, Jun Sato, Rina Kanamoto and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Quantum Dark Slitons in the 1D Bose Gas: From Single to Double Dark-Solitons"
Universe 8, 2 (2022)
- Cantarella J., Deguchi T., Shonkwiler C. and Uehara E.
"Exact Evaluation of the Mean Square Radius of Gyration for Gaussian Topological Polymer Chains"
In: Tezuka Y., Deguchi T. (eds) Topological Polymer Chemistry. Springer, Singapore. (2022) pp. 37-63
- Jason Cantarella, Tetsuo Deguchi, Clayton Shonkwiler and Erica Uehara
"Radius of Gyration, Contraction Factors, and Subdivisions of Topological Polymers"
J. Phys. A:Math. Theor. 55, 475202 (2022).
- Katsumi Hagita, Takahiro Murashima, Masao Ogino, Manabu Omiya, Kenji Ono, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai and Toshihiro Kawakatsu
"Efficient compressed database of equilibrated configurations of ring-linear polymer blends for MD simulations"
Scientific Data 9, 40 (2022)
- Jason Cantarella, Tetsuo Deguchi, Clayton Shonkwiler and Erica Uehara
"Gaussian Random Embeddings of Multigraph"
arXiv: 2001.11709 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
- Y.Mato, K. Honda, B. Ree, K. Tajima, T. Yamamoto, T. Deguchi, T. Isono and T. Satoh
"Programmed folding into spiro-multicyclic polymer topologies from linear and star-shaped chains"
Communications Chemistry 3, 97 (2020)
- Shunsuke Nakamura, Eiki Iyoda, Tetsuo Deguchi, and Takahiro Sagawa
"Universal scrambling in gapless quantum spin chains"
Phys. Rev. B 99, 224305 (2019), (arXiv: 1904.09778).
- Tetsuo Deguchi and Erica Uehara
"Topological sum rules in the knotting probabilities of DNA to appear in the proceedings of AMS Special Session ''Topology of Biopolymers'' (Special Session at the Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of AMS)"
Northeastern Univ., Boston, Apr. 21-22, 2018.
- Takashi Imoto, Jun Sato, and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Exact regimes of collapsed and extra two-string solutions in the two down-spin sector of the spin-1/2 massive XXZ spin chain"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019) 035203, (arXiv: 1807.08885).
- Erica Uehara, Lucia Coronel, Cristian Micheletti and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Bimodality in the knotting probability of semiflexible rings predicted by mapping with self-avoiding polygons"
React. Funct. Polym. 134 (2019) 141-149.
- Sophia Ropelewski, Erica Uehara, Caroline Lehmann, Tetsuo Deguchi and Giovanni Dietler
"Two-point correlation function of ring polymers: experiments and numerical simulations for the case of circular DNA in 2 dimensions"
React. Funct. Polym. 133 (2018) 66-70.
- Erica Uehara and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Mean-square radius of gyration and the hydrodynamic radius for topological polymers expressed with graphs evaluated by the method of quaternions revisited"
React. Funct. Polym. 133 (2018) 93-102.
- Kazue Kudo and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Finite-size scaling with respect to interaction and disorder strength at the many-body localization transition"
Phys. Rev. B 97, 220201 (R) (2018).
- Erica Uehara and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Statistical properties of multi-theta polymer chains"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 134001 (2018).
- Erica Uehara and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Scaling behavior of knotted random polygons and self-avoiding polygons: Topological swelling with enhanced exponent"
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 214901 (2017), (arXiv: 1707.02867).
- Erica Uehara and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Knotting probability of self-avoiding polygons under a topological constraint"
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 094901 (2017).
- C.-L. Ho and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Multi-qudit states generated by unitary braid quantum gates based on Temperley-Lieb algebra"
EPL 118, 40001 (2017).
- Tetsuo Deguchi and Erica Uehara
"Statistical and dynamical properties of topological polymers with graphs and ring polymers with knots"
Polymers 9, 252 (2017).
- Ryoko Yahagi, Jun Sato and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Finite-temperature behavior of an impurity in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
JSTAT (2014) P11020, (arXiv: 1407.4187).
- Erica Uehara and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Statistical and hydrodynamic properties of double-ring polymers with a fixed linking
number between twin rings"
J. Chem. Phys. 140, 044902 (2014).
- Erica Uehara, Ryota Tanaka, Mizue Inoue, Fukiko Hirose and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Mean-square radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius for topological polymers evaluated through the quaternionic algorithm"
Reactive and Functional Polymers 80 (2014) pp.48-56.
- Jason Cantarella, Tetsuo Deguchi and Clayton Shonkwiler
"Probability Theory of Random Polygons from the Quaternionic Viewpoint"
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67, 1658-1699 (2014), (arXiv: 1206.3161, Comm. Pure Appl. Math doi: 10.1002/cpa.21480).
- Jun Sato, Rina Kanamoto, Eriko Kaminishi and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Quantum dark solitons in the 1D Bose Gas and the superfluid velocity"
arXiv: 1204.3960.
- Jun Sato, Rina Kanamoto, Eriko Kaminishi and Tetsuo Deguchi
"Exact Relaxation Dynamics of a Localized Many-Body State in the 1D Bose Gas"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 110401 (2012), (arXiv: 1112.4244).
- Tetsuo Deguchi
"Reduction formula of form factors for the integrable spin-s XXZ chains and application to correlation functions"
JSTAT (2012) P04001, (arXiv: 1105.4722).